Sunday, June 12, 2011

Designated Smoking Areas at UH Hilo

For the past three years of attending the university the number of people that smoke has increased while the space and area provided for them as decreased. Most of these smoking designated areas on campus are too close to public walk way areas and buildings were students are often exposed to second hand smoking. I will start off by saying that I am asthmatic , since moving to Hilo many factors contribute to trigger it such as, the weather and the infamous vog from the volcano just to name a few. However there are other factors that trigger my asthma that can be easily be prevented such as second hand smoke. The University states in their catalog "in order to improve the working environment  of the university and protect faculty, staff, students, and visitors from second hand smoke exposure". The Smoke free law was passed in 2006, in which " smoking within 20 feet of doorways, windows and ventilation intakes for the prevention of second hand smoke drifting into enclosed areas". the University should map out designated area around campus and make sure that the criteria's are followed. Lets not over look this issue and let's see what we can do as a community and as a university to move forward to push for a stronger, safer, and healthier learning environment for all to enjoy.